Monday, August 3, 2009

The Green Fuse - Embodiment Resources

Dr Adrian Harris bedryf 'n interessante webwerf m.b.t. beliggaming of embodiment. The Green Fuse lys 'n klompie definisies van die konsep sowel as skakels en 'n uitgebreide bibliografie oor die onderwerp.

Sy eie navorsing handel oor beliggaming in eko-paganisme, 'n heedendaagse beweging wat hulle spiritualiteit uitleef deur omgewings aktivisme en rituele. Hy ondersoek ook beliggaming in religie en eko-teologie, filosofie en die natuurwetenskap.

Die moeite werd om te bekyk.

Dr Adrian Harris
maintains a very interesting website that focuses on embodiment. The Green Fuse contains definitions of the concept as well as links and an extensive bibliography.

His own research looks at embodiment in eco-paganism, a contemporary movement in which pagans express their spirituality through environmental activism and rituals of resistance. He investigates embodiment in religion, ec0theologie, philosophy and science.

A site worth visiting.


  1. Thanks for you comments. Good to hear the site is useful. I now have a blog: where I write about the relationship between bodymind and place - basically embodied situated cognition. I'm about to link to your blog.
    Best wishes,

  2. I'm pleased to hear you find the site useful. The Embodiment Resources site is now at:

    Information about my research into eco-paganism is still on The Green Fuse. I now have a blog which you might find of interest:
